Sincil Bank | Lincoln
Pocket Park
Supporting inclusive community parks and public spaces where people can relax, exercise, socialise and play
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government providing a £1 million fund to support the development of new pocket parks and to refurbish existing parks that have fallen into disrepair where their restoration could have a significant positive impact on the local community and address a specific local need. fund invited applications from communities to apply for funding to support them with establishing new pocket parks, creating safe and usable green spaces, and for helping to restore and renovate existing parks which have fallen into disrepair, bringing them back into public use.
Groundlab worked in collaboration with the local community, the Sincil Bank Community Land Trust and the City of Lincoln Council to develop designs for a new park adjacent to the local Children’s Centre and Bishop King Primary School.
The focus of the project will be providing an opportunity for the local community to connect with nature. Trees will be retained but given more space for people to engage with them. There will also be a landscaped area and structure that will encourage the community to meet and be a peaceful place to watch children play and interact.
The project has now secured both government and council funding and Gruondlab will continue to work with its partners to develop and deliver this exciting new proposal.